Friday 30 January 2009

Oh my gosh apologies people plus a piece of PBjelly.x

So i must apologise for like not blogging for like a couple of days, ive just been so busy that i havent even had a chance to use a computer, and i guess ive just been living a normal life out and about so im gonna try and get back on track next week. But for now lets all marvel in the fabulousnes that is PBjelly.x

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Daily PBjelly.x

Here we are, presenting you with another fix of the one the only PBjelly.x and her fabulous fashion creations. Today is like every day its just as fabulous. Today our Pbjelly.x is rocking a fabulous creation with the main fixture being the colour blue, which really compliments her medoll x.

Wednesday 28th Stardolls Superstars

Woo another day another host of fabulous girls, and these are no exception i think they are fabulous i love everything that these girls have to offer style wise just fabulous so we have


Whos Rock come glamour look i adore she has used things i love together Leather Jacket, tights, Heels and a fabulous bag

Our Second favourite lady of the day is


This girl i saw the other day is kind of the inspiration for the outfit that i am wearing, i could never copy an outfit outright so ive changed mine differently different skirt etc, but i think she screams fashion queen x

Tuesday 27 January 2009

I just loves it : Tuesday 27th

So today im going down a different road, with the girls that i am featuring, i just just love the styles these girls go for, it reminds me totally of Japanesse crazy girls, i love the bright colours, and no care attitude that these girls scream, these are three that i have picked out from an ever increasing number of girls heading down this road, one is my BFF, and when she took this style it opened my eyes to others around me so let me show you these girls.




Monday 26 January 2009

Daily Stardoll Superstar Mon 26th

So today im just featuring one girl, this girl i like looks pretty damn fabulous, i like how shes mixed glamour with down to earth, it gives it that extra edge, anyway never mind reading what i have to say check her out below, its


So Where Back on track with a bit of Daily PBjelly.x


Friday 23 January 2009

Daily PBjelly.x

This girl never fails, she always produces amazing outfits, and today is no exception, its down to earth with a twist i adore it, shes a girl to watch, sorry ive not said much more, but i think i sumed up the pefection in those few words x

23rd Stardolls Superstars & Other news

Heya girls and guys, just to let you know i wont be posting this weekend i dont think, certainly not tommorow, and prob not most Saturdays, as i work virtually all through the day, i mean tommorow im working 9am - 9pm, so anyway on to todays picks

I have included two girls that i have met only in the last couple of days we have

I think this style is simple yet effective, whilst being cute, i think all the pieces fit together really well congratulations
Then we have


I love her style, i love who she was worked things together with that purple dress which i really like, but can never find anything to match it, but she has succeded and it works perfectly

Thursday 22 January 2009

Thursday 22nd

Today i have again picked three girls who i have found through looking through stardoll i have listed them below


First we have Hazy_Cloud121, i think this girl is ace, i love her style as its so individual, but classy at the same time, i just like the way she wears whats she wants to wear, like she dont give a damn, whilst it all still works and looks amazing.
Then we have FashiongodS - i noticed this girl a couple of days ago, and instantly thought wow, i feel that now its time to post her on this site, i couldnt make my mind up about her outfit, but you know what i love it, its so simple but so amazing at the same time, and i love the colour black it always looks fabulous.

Then we have got Ciaraleanne, who i think looks fabulous, her style has been kept simple with three simple pieces, that all work so fabulously togehter, plus i love skinny jeans, and that big so its a real style winner to me.


Daily PBjelly.x

Here we are again for are daily dose of my favourite stardoll friend PBjelly.x whos rockin another fantabulous look, im loving purple so much , and i was actually suprised to find she has actually found something to match that purple hot buys skirt, i tried in vain yesterday to find something that together that looks goo, thats why i think she is so ace, becuase she just does that makes things look good together x

Wednesday 21 January 2009

The Daily PBjelly

Shes back with this little rock chick collaboration, and dont it look top dollar, this girl can switch from glam to rock at the click of a finger and still look like its natural, Top marks x

Wednesday 21st Jan

Its the third day of my blog and its still going strong lol, im going to start looking harder, but today ive found these girls, which are still to the high standard that has been shown for the last couple of days

We have

Whose look i love these are would i would put together, i was to wear any of these items, as i love all three, and that hair style is a favourite of mine, i just love her style basically.

& we have

Who i have to say has one hell of an amazing medoll, i think shes ones of the only girls i have seen bar one very famous member, who has managed to pull of that improvised hair do to perfection, whilst also putting together some classic pieces to look just fabulous


Tuesday 20 January 2009

Third edition to todays

Well i had only intended for two entrys today, but then this girl came up on my screen, whilst i was visiting someones page and i was like, wow i think i just found a third so here she is

I just love her get up, i know alot of people are rocking this right now, but i think she makes it look fab with the addition of a few well placed accessories, and i rather loving the makeup as well congrats x

20th January Stardolls Superstars

Welcome to day two of my blog, i havent had much time to look round today as im so busy, but whilst i have been looking round i stumbeled across these two fashionista



I think they both look fabulous, i love what they have put together and there images as well, they scream perfection, congrats girls.

Monday 19 January 2009

19th January's Stardoll Superstars

Fakeshake3 and sweet_3094


hilaryera and emma63443

Above are the first five girls whos styles i love and come across whilst being on stardoll, lol as you can see i have included the odd famous face.

Fakeshake3 - I have included her basically, becuase i just love her style, not becuase she has everything that most people want, but becuase she puts everything together so perfectly, i dont think i have ever seen her have an off day style wise, i just love everything about her outfit, its quite low key and everything fits together so perfectly. whilst the hairstyle, lol ive seen loads of people trying to make it work like ellies, but most just havent mastered it.

Sweet_3094- i hadn't come across this girl until yesterday, i fell up her page, and i thought wow, i love the outfit, i love the hot pants, which actually suit her as i think they look dreadful on my medoll, whilst she gives it a touch of class with the top, gloves and the bag, and i little twist with the chain, this girl is absoloutly fabulous

Steelone - i just love the outfits that have been put together they are so well thought out, and whilst some may think a little out there, i love it for the pure class and individuality that has been put into creating this look, so many cute items have been put together to create one, which i wouldnt have even considered, i loves it basically.

Hilaryera - This is another girl i hadnt come across untill yesterday, and ive been missing out on this girl fashion, some may think why its nothing spectacular, but i just love rock chick and she does it well, without being to out there and over rock, its fashion rock, and shes included to of my favourite things to date, the Elle bag and those boots, rock on chica, i loves it.

emma63443 - I just think this girl looks really classy and elegant, and makes everything so perfect with the accessories shes used to compliment the dress, her make up is perfect, and if you know me, i am quite a fan of that hair do, again i just love her style. top marks.

So thats my first attempt at blogging lol i think all the girls deserve a visit, just to marvel at the fashionable people that is the. im looking forward to getting into it and finding lots more stylish girls to feature on this blog

Lots of Love



Its DDay & The Daily PBjelly.x

So todays the day, when my blogging journey begins, as you will see from the next couple of posts i have picked out some fabulous looking people including the every lovely PBjelly.x who is my daily feature, so as i made the comment on the first post bare with me, i am new to it so if it isnt brilliant, it will improve.

As you can see above this is PBjelly.x my stardoll bff and overall fashionista this girl is fabulous and i love how she puts whats she wears together its always all so perfect, she is going to be my daily feature, to show off this true stardoll fashionista.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

My Blog

This is my first official stardoll related to blog what i am going to be doing is talking daily about girls and guys that i have found during my daily visit to stardoll, who i feel are pure perfection or even maybe just a bit individual, what i post will be my opinion and hopefully highlight that person to a wider audience, because you don't have to be Superstar, you don't have to be an elite to feature here just fabulous.

Part 2

I am also going to do a daily style watch on a good friend of mine, i just think that she puts what ever she wears so well together and her style is brilliant, she doesn't know who she is yet but she soon will do.

Overall i apologise for the poorness of this blog at the present time like i said I'm just getting started and once i get more into it it will hopefully become more professional

Lots of Love